Guest Presentation by Joseph Rosenstein

January 4, 2023

Rosenstein is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Rutgers University and a founding member of New Jersey’s 50+ year-old Highland Park Minyan — a peer-led, egalitarian, post-denominational and inclusive chavurah (prayer group). He is the author of the Siddur and Machzor (prayer books) used by Congregation Etz Chaim for Shabbat and High Holidays, respectively. His presentation will include the history of Pirkei Avot, the section of the Talmud that deals with ethical values, the major themes of Pirkei Avot, and his process in writing his latest book.

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Congregation Etz Chaim
P.O. Box 1473
Biddeford, ME 04005

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Congregation Etz Chaim
34 Bacon Street
Biddeford, ME