Meet Cantor Strassler.
Cantor Beth Strassler is proud to be the “home grown cantor” of Congregation Etz Chaim. She has served as the community’s spiritual leader since completing her cantorial ordination at Hebrew College in Newton, Massachusetts, in 2017. Although a lifelong singer, she began formal music and vocal training at the age of 50 and continues learning every day.
Beth grew up singing in a small community in upstate New York—as a solo performer with guitar and in numerous choral groups and musical productions. While in high school, she learned to play piano and guitar and organized and directed a children’s choir.
As a young adult, she earned both a B.S. and a Master of Health Science in occupational therapy, specializing in pediatrics in school systems. She quickly discovered her passion for teaching and held assistant professor positions at Town State University, University of New Hampshire, and the University of New England.
After moving to Maine in 1982, Beth and her husband, Dr. David Strassler, settled in Arundel and became major catalysts in the “re- Jew-vination” of our Biddeford synagogue. They raised their three children (Joseph, Andrew, and Sarah) here, each becoming B-mitzvah in our shul. Beth has filled various volunteer roles at the synagogue, including establishing and teaching the educational programs for all ages of children, families, and adults; serving as co-principal and teacher in the weekly Hebrew School; tutoring B- mitzvah students; and serving as lay religious service leader.
Beth leads services with the collaboration of David, a knowledgeable and charismatic presence on the bimah, and with Dr. Morton Gold, a Jewish music composer, accomplished conductor, and experienced synagogue accompanist, who Iives in Springvale, Maine. She serves our membership and the York County community through her leadership of Jewish lifecycle events, including brisses and namings, B-mitzvahs, weddings, conversion classes, funerals, and memorial services, as well as through pastoral care. Beth and David were instrumental in the synagogue’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, working with the incredible support of the synagogue’s board and IT consultants to create online Zoom and Facebook for High Holiday and Shabbat services and Hebrew School sessions. They developed systems for interactive home participation and worked with the board to deliver supplies and prayerbooks to accompany online sessions.
Beth holds a Master of Jewish Studies degree with an emphasis on spiritual practice. Her musical repertoire includes original works by Dr. Gold, both traditional and contemporary synagogue music, and her original production of her famous Friday Night Guitar Service, Tu b’Shevat seder and Chocolate Passover seder. She sang in numerous memorable performances with the Hebrew College Cantorial Choir, including an original klezmer arrangement of the Friday night Shabbat Service and the performance of works of Lewandoski with pipe organ accompaniment, as originally intended when it was written in the mid-19th century. Beth’s vocal skills are repeatedly described as emotionally moving and spiritually uplifting for both Jewish and interfaith listeners. She collaborates with the Biddeford-Saco interfaith clergy for religious services when requested and can be found in the interfaith choir. She also co-founded the local a cappella singing group, Women of Note. Beth and David still reside in Arundel with the smartest dog they have ever had, Herschel. When not working for the Jewish community, Beth enjoys flower gardening, Middle Eastern cooking; interior decorating; and reading, especially Israeli novelists.